Go to any website for lash supplies and you’ll find at least three different glues for eyelash extensions - why? For the simple reason that finding the best glue for you is similar to when Goldilocks had to try all of the porridge before she found the one that was Just Right for her!
Getting the BEST glue for you as an individual lash tech comes down to so many different factors, so while we LOVE it when your friend recommends you the glue that changed their lash game, we can’t always guarantee that it will be the best lash glue for you.
You will at least need to check your:
Placement speed (this is how long it takes you to place an extension on the natural lash after you’ve dipped it into the glue)
Why do you need to check these things? In short, they will help you pick the best glue for you from the range on offer.
Each lash glue has the same job, but they have a very different set of preferences which is what can make it so tricky to pick a glue at random.
To check this accurately, you’ll need a hygrometer in your work space. High humidity will cause the glue to dry faster than the time advertised on the bottle. If a glue dries faster than advertised, it will most likely cause you all sorts of retention issues as it will be drying before you can place it, resulting in it not forming a nice strong bond between extension and lash. If your humidity is low, you’ll have a very different issue - glue will dry more slowly so you’ll find that you have to hold the extension there for longer to wait for it to dry; you’ll see lashes lean to the side after you’ve placed it, messing up the fullness and the top line; working in lower humidity means that glue dries more slowly and becomes more irritative for you and the client; you will also see a higher number of stickies in your set, so not only will you be slowed down by the glue but you’ll have to spend longer separating those stickies at the end of the set too.
Temperature has more of an impact than humidity does - you’ll still see that higher temperatures cause the glue to dry faster, whilst lower temperatures can make your glue slower, just like humidity. Both high and low temperatures can cause your glue to thicken up, so be mindful of this if your glue looks different to normal!
That’s all you, kitten. You will find that through your career you will likely become faster at placing your freshly dipped extension - it’s why those who have been doing lashes for 6 years are using a glue like Royal Bond with a 0.5-1 second drying time, and not a glue like Satin Bond which has a 2 second drying time. Can you guess your placement time? Sure! Should you? No - as much of a faff as it might seem, actually timing this will be a big help for you in determining which glue would be best for you - if you ask any lash technician which glue you should use and say ‘I need a fast glue’ - that doesn’t mean much because it’s all relative - fast to me 1 second, but fast to a colleague who does lashes more often than me and has been doing lashes for more years will think 1 second is too slow!
Once you know these factors, check out our glue comparison chart to get a better idea of which glues might suit you best!
If you’re still unsure or if there are a couple you can’t choose between, opt for a sample sized bottle so that you can try them out with less commitment than comes with a full-sized bottle!